Frequently Asked Questions
How do I invite the bot?
You can invite the bot by clicking here or visiting
Where can I join the support server?
You can join our support server by clicking here or visiting
How do I apply to be support?
All of our support members are now hand picked by the core team.
How do I become a developer?
You can apply to be a developer using this form.
How can I apply to be an affiliate?
You can apply to be an affiliate by clicking here.
How can I report a bug?
You can report a bug by clicking here or by using the link below.
Where can I view Trident's features?
You can view Trident's features by heading over to the features page.
Does Trident have text commands?
No, Trident does not currently have prefixed commands. We are a slash command only bot.
How do I configure Trident?
You can configure Trident using the dashboard.
What permissions does Trident need?
Trident by default is given the Administrator permission within your server. If you would like to change this, the main permissions that Trident needs includes:
Manage Roles, Ban Members, Manage Webhooks, Read Messages/View Channels, Send Messages, Manage Messages, Embed Links, Attach Files, Read Message History, and Use External Emojis.
If you would prefer to use reduced permissions, you can invite Trident using this link.
What permissions do the different role types have?
Staff Roles These are the basic permissions for a user - they get access to the main tracking commands such as shifts and moderations.
Admin Roles Admins have access to mark as banned or revoke ban requests.
Management Roles Management receive permissions to use all management related commands such as /shift admin.
Is Trident open source?
No, Trident is not open source and is not planned to be.
What language is Trident coded in?
Trident is coded in Node.js, a type of JavaScript.
How can I contact Trident staff?
Contacting staff for support. Just join our support server and ask away.
Privately contacting staff. Most of us keep our DMs open, feel free to ask us anything.
I have a legal concern.
All legal related requests should go to
I have a security concern.
Contact our core team via the email
How can I get my data deleted?
Feel free to open a support ticket in our support server, our management team will be happy to remove all of your data from our systems.
How can I get my server ID?
First, you need to make sure that you have developer mode enabled in User Settings
> Advanced
Then, just right click (or hold down on mobile) on the server of your choosing and click "Copy Server ID".
Last updated