Leave of Absences

With the help of our leave of absence module, you can keep track of every staff's leave, including the date it started, date it will end, reason, and more!

Before using this module, make sure that the leave of absence module is enabled in the Configuration menu and configured correctly.

Creating a Leave Request

To create a leave request, run the /leave request command with the following parameters.

duration The length of time you will be on leave. This should be in the short time format. E.G. 6d will create a leave request for 6 days.

reason The reason for your absence. E.G. Going on holiday.

This request will be accepted or denied by server management.

Accepting/Denying Requests

As management, you can accept or deny a leave request. To do this, just click the corresponding buttons in your leave requests channel.

Ending Absences

To end a leave of absence, just simply run the /leave manage or /leave admin command and press the end leave button.

Last updated